
3rd & 4th OCT at e@Curve!

The first time is always the unforgettable and momentous one. Here's a glimpse of the very 1st installment of a creative flea market that took place recently at e@Curve. 

2nd hand magazines & toys at rock bottom prices
Ms. Jacquee and her authentic ethnic bags and accessories.

Creative Kids Tents from Lara's Place

Designer T-shirts from BuiBui

Great steals from Lush Serendipity

Aura's range of beaded jewelleries

Pre-loves from Fashion Fetish

Overview of North Side

Six artists sharing one small booth that resulted in an impressive display.

A Bit of Everywhere

--- Scroll down for more pictures ---

Absolute Secretz treasure trove

Vintage clothings & accessories

Asliman handmade plush dolls

Overview of South Side

Overview of South Side again

Basheer promoting their designer books

Aspiring entertainers having a blast at the LG My Starz Audition which took place over the weekend.
(Pictures copyright of Joujou & Shugi Creative Flea Market)